Comparison of bacterial communities of activated sludge and membrane biofilm of MBRs treating landfill leachates.


In this paper, bacterial communities of the mixed liquor (ML) from two full-scale membrane bioreactors (MBRs) with external membrane configuration (side-stream MBRs), treating effluents of two organic fractions from municipal solid wastes (OFMSW) have been evaluated. Both plants consist of anaerobic digestion plus composting processes. However, in one plant (MBR-HS) anaerobic digestion is carried out with a solid concentration higher than 15% (so-called Dry-process) and, in the other one (MBR-LS), the process is carried out with solids at a concentration lower than 10% (Wet-process). Comparison is carried out in order to find out the differences in the MBR mixed liquors caused by the different type of process carried out in the OFMSW and their influence on membrane fouling bacterial community development.


MBR mixed liquors caused by the different type of process carried out in the OFMSW affected the biofilm bacterial community structure.


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Póster 926 - Comparison of bacterial communities of activated sludge and membrane biofilm of MBRs treating landfill leachates - Fisicoquímicos EDAR.

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José Luis Alonso (1), Julián Fernández-Navarro (1), Laura Moreno-Mesonero (1), Elena Zuriaga-Agustí (2), José Antonio Mendoza-Roca (2), Yolanda Moreno (1), Cristina Alvárez (3).
(1) Instituto de Ingeniería del Agua y Medio Ambiente. Universitat Politècnica de València.
(2) Instituto de Seguridad Industrial, Radiofísica y Medioambiental. Universitat Politècnica de València.

Alonso-Molina, J. Fernández-Navarro, Julián. Moreno-Mesonero, Laura. Zuriaga, Elena. Mendoza-Roca, J. Moreno, Yolanda. Alvarez-Requena, C. 2019. Comparison of bacterial communities of activated sludge and membrane biofilm of MBRs treating landfill leachates.